Frequently Asked Questions

What days and hours can I have my home or office cleaned?

We offer cleaning services from Monday to Saturday. However, if you require a Sunday clean, we can accommodate that as well.

Do I need to be at home during the cleaning services?

No, your presence is not required during the cleaning session. If you won't be home, kindly provide instructions beforehand to ensure a seamless experience and prevent any issues or inconveniences when entering your home.

What should I do before my cleaner arrives?

While no preparation is strictly required, it's helpful if you can clear items off the floor such as toys or clothing. This allows our cleaners to focus solely on the cleaning tasks, ensuring you get the best value for your money.

Are recurring services possible?

Absolutely! We offer flexible recurring cleaning options to suit your needs. Whether you prefer weekly, biweekly, or monthly cleanings, we've got you covered.

How long will the in-person consultation take?

The consultation will take between 10-20 minutes.